Saturday, December 21, 2013

A Christmas Update

As with many blogs, this one began with the intention of keeping everyone up to date on the happenings of life in Gasper land.  We kind of fell off the wagon of writing regular updates, but since Christmas time is upon us, this seems like a good opportunity to give a snapshot of the past six months.

After we moved into the house, we started decorating.  Travis set up his man cave upstairs, and I pretty much took over the rest of the place.  It has been a fun project (although Travis has had to suffer through numerous trips to Ikea).  Here are a few pictures:

The entry

Where we spend most of our time

The half done game room (notice the picture of Jean Claude Van Damme in the upper right corner)

Our first semesters of school flew by.  I have awesome kids who keep me on my toes, and Travis has a really challenging group of fourth graders.  He told me a story the other day that I thought was really inspiring. 

Some of his kids have unique needs and tend to meltdown easily.  Travis is really good at calming them down, and the other kids have seen him do this.  Last week, one student lost it because he could not find a library book.  All the other kids had left the room to go to the library, but one student came back because he had forgotten something.  This child has meltdown tendencies as well (major meltdown tendencies).  Travis got really nervous to see him come back to the room since the two can trigger each other.  Much to Travis's surprise, this student went over to the hysterical boy and started patting him on the back saying, “It’s going to be okay bud, we’ll find your book.  It's okay.”  The kid completely calmed down, found his book and went to the library. 

Empathy and compassion are not characteristics typically displayed by 9 year old boys.  I thought it was a great example of how the kids learn by example and then put into practice what they see modeled.  It was a good reminder to myself to treat my students with as much kindness and respect as possible.  They are always watching. 

All and all, the past 6 months has been filled with good meals with friends and family, game nights, a great Tim Keller Bible study, Parks and Rec episodes and lesson planning.  We've been thankful for this season and all its simple moments.  Hopefully the next blog post won't be at the end of the school year, but I can't make any promises.  Enjoy the rest of 2013!

A few of the simple moments:

Halloween - we went as Tobias and Lindsay from Arrested Development

Our first Christmas Tree 

Tacky Sweater Party

Same Party

Turning 30 (Travis did this last year)

My classroom door decorated by super cool students

Double Rainbow!!