The adventure is in full swing. Travis and I arrived in Arequipa last Wednesday evening, and we hit the ground running. Matt and Kelly have graciously let us stay with them as we searched for apartments. One possible home came complete with knights armor cemented onto the fireplace. We passed on that option as it was a little too Dungeons and Dragons for our taste. But we are happy to report that we did find an apartment on the fourth floor of a small complex. The decor is a little 1970's, but the view is incredible.
Our living room.
Our bedroom.
A guest room.
The kitchen.
The view from the kitchen window.

Our blue and green bathroom (complete with a blue and green toilet).
The past few days have been filled with buying necessary items for the apartment, visiting Matt and Kelly's church, discussing work schedules and trying to get settled.
Travis will be starting language school tomorrow, and I will probably do a few months of language study after we get more acclimated to life in Arequipa. I am a little intimidated at the idea of figuring out how to cook here. (Cooking is not my forte). The first time I tried to cook an egg for Travis it came out totally raw. I've improved since then, but I have a lot to learn.
Pray for Travis as he officially starts school. As a preliminary step, Travis had to do an evaluation in order to best determine his level. The instructor pointed to different pictures, and Travis had to give her the Spanish word for each item. When she pointed to a toilet, Travis, in his infinite creativity, replied, "juan," the Spanish word for john. I have no doubt that he will pick up the language, but the process can be frustrating at times.
One other interesting experience from this past week occurred in a local mall. We were picking up things for the apartment when a man with a mask and a chainsaw came running through the store. I was ready to take cover when I realized that it a prank. I don't think that would have gone over too well in the States. Any thoughts?
Things you can pray for this week:
1) Language acquisition
2) Getting settled into the apartment
3) Peruvian friends
4) That our marriage would thrive in this new environment
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