Travis and I decided to spend the holidays with the Gaspers in Wisconsin. We tied up loose ends in Arequipa and flew to Lima last Wednesday. Our flight was scheduled to take off at 12am, and our friends called a taxi to take us to the airport around 9:30. Our taxi driver is a friend of the family, and we all sat, drinking tea and chatting away. Around 10:30pm, I started getting a little nervous about our flight and the fact that it is recommended that you arrive 3 hours before take-off.

We piled into the taxi and almost immediately hit traffic, bumper to bumper, crazy, terrible traffic. At about 11pm (one hour before take-off) we reached the airport. There was no line, and I was extremely confused. So I sought clarification, and this is the conversation that ensued:

Me: "Is this for the continental flight?"
United Airlines Lady (UAL): "Yes, they will call your last name."
Me: They don't know my last name.
UAL: You're on stand-by, right?
Me: No!!!
UAL: You were supposed to be here 3 hours ago.
Me: I know. But we are here now.
UAL: The flight is closed. You're too late.
Me: But we checked in online.
UAL: Nope, the flight is closed.
Travis: We checked in online.

And then the UAL told us to run through security. We took off and literally ran through the metal detectors only to come to a grinding halt when we hit immigration. The line usually takes about an hour to get through (hence needing to arrive early), and we were told that our flight was taking off in 20 minutes. I pleaded with a few official looking people to let us bypass the line, but they refused. I looked at Travis, and before I knew it he was knocking over stanchions and pushing his way through the line. All I heard were people telling him to be careful, and I had visions of security dragging us away.

We finally made it to the man who stamps your passports, and I realized that I had lost my little paper that I had filled out upon arrival. I was escorted to a special desk where we had to pay to get a new little paper. We paid and ran as fast as we could to the gate. Out of breath, I asked if we had missed our flight, and praise God, we had not.

I call this post How Travis Saved the Day because I am a rule follower, and Travis is not. I would have waited in very long lines, and I probably would not have even gotten passed the initial United Airlines Lady. Fortunately, I am married to a man who pushes the limits when he deems necessary.
We made it to Wisconsin, and we will be sure to arrive at the airport 3 hours early next time.
do you still want to play soccer following the rules though? remember that day years ago?!