Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Next Chapter

So it's official.  We are homeowners.  It is funny how a simple conversation in the car one day turns into actually looking for, finding and purchasing a house.  We closed last on April 26 and proceeded to haul our belongings on over to Imperial Oaks.  With the help of some great friends and a few professionals the process was fairly painless.  Granted, I (Emily), was at a training on the main morning of the move so I probably carried 1/8 of what Travis carried down the stairs.  He's the best.

We feel like this house is a huge gift from God and is a combination of things that we both were looking for.  Travis wanted a two story, and I wanted something with light.  Travis wanted a game room, and I wanted to have that, "This is home," feeling.  It is hard to put that one into concrete terms because you really only know it when you are there.

So here are a few shots of what it looks like after a week.  If you are in the area, feel free to come on over!


  1. Congrats on the new house! It's been an amazing year for you guys, and as you wrap up your school stuff next month, it will be a great time to reflect how God worked everything out for your good! You love Him, He loves you!
