As teachers, Emily and I know a thing or two about the end of the school year. It's a time for reminiscing about all you've learned and the ways you've changed. It's a time for parties and movie days. It's a time for frantically cramming the night before a final. And it's a time for looking forward in excitement to the next year.
Our summer so far has been an end-of-the-school-year as directed by Michael Bay. No explosions or buildings thrown into other buildings, but plenty of life developments and a little bit of romantic dancing.
On June 18th, Emily and I were married at The Woodlands United Methodist Church by a former missionary to Peru. A bunch of our family made the trip to Texas from Wisconsin and New York, and it was an amazingly fun weekend full of BBQ's, swimming, bowling, dancing, and cake pops. We are incredibly grateful for our family and friends. I wish we could do it all again, this time as bystanders. Pretty sure I would end up passed out from all the candy and ice cream.
After the wedding we were able to spend five days on the beautiful island of St. Lucia. It pretty much looks exactly like the island from Jurassic Park, and our resort upgraded us to a villa sans fourth wall, which made for some incredible views. I am pretty sure that we only ever saw/interacted with locals or other couples; Emily made the astute observation that it was kind of like summer camp for honeymooners. We ate some amazing food, hung out in an active volcano, shot birds with squirtguns, and chilled on the beach. Emily finished the new Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants book and a couple of sections out loud to me. Don't get me started on how awesome it was.

The next big happening (as if our new marriage wasn't enough!) is that we are officially moving to Peru! The plan is to move to Arequipa by mid-September. This means that we have a bunch of logistical stuff to take care of, including but not limited to: visiting as many of our friends, family and supporters as possible, buying clothes for me because I am not of a Peruvian body type, getting paperwork in order, figuring out travel plans, and continuing to speak with groups about joining our support team. We are excited to know for sure we are moving, and Emily is already making plans to never speak Spanish while we're together in public, thus forcing me to practice on-the-fly whatever I learn in language school. That's the teacher in her coming out.
There is an open door for the ministry we will be working with (MCM International) to help out in some public schools for low income kids, and Emily and I are pumped to be able to possibly work with those kids. Initially I will be focused full-time on language school, but Emily will be looking for different schools to help with, either in ESL classes or reading programs so this could be a huge opportunity.
That is it for life at the moment. We are learning how to live with one another (I even bought headphones the other day so that Em doesn't have to hear Call of Duty gunfire) and are enjoying having our days free to spend with friends. We will update more soon!
Currently Reading: The Inner Life - Thomas A Kempis
The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao - Junot Diaz
Currently Watching: Fringe Season 2
Teen Mom Season 1
Currently Listening: Bon Iver- Bon Iver
Burst Apart - The Antlers
So excited that you guys are moving to Peru! Awesome.