Of all the Ransom Notes I've done, The Hem of His Garment, is probably the closest to my heart. I think I've made about 10 of these for different people. It speaks of healing, specifically, I'm referencing the story in Matthew of the woman who had bled for 12 years. She believed that if she just touched Jesus' robe she would be healed. Travis and I pray for gifts of healing all the time. My counselor, Jan, said that we will never be fully healed until we see the face of Jesus. I agree, and I think that Jesus offers us glimpses of Himself all the time. And in the wake of these glimpses, restoration comes.
This passage is very close to my heart as well. Have you heard the song "Come My Way" by Skillet? It was my heart's cry for many years. God always has a way of stepping in right when we most need Him to.
ReplyDelete-Lauren Goldsberry