Saturday, January 21, 2012

An Update!

So the last time we updated the blog was when we were about to fly from the blowdart-infested state of Wisconsin to a conference held by The Mission Society in Florida.  Well, the conference was great, and a ton has happened since then.  To make a long story short: We're back in the US (I keep wanting to add "SR" to the end of that, thanks a bunch Beatles).  Recently our mentor/friend/missions pastor John Hull crafted a letter to our support base, and it is much more succinct than either of us could be.  And it doesn't clutter up the point with a bunch of obscure movie references.  Here it is:

Dear Supporter, 
I am writing to share some news about Travis and Emily Gasper.  I am so proud of how they have answered God’s call to serve Him in Peru.  Their maturity and their commitment to this calling is solid and impressive.
As you know, Travis and Emily went to Peru last year to begin language training and ministry with children.  Prior to leaving, they interviewed with and were accepted as full-time missionaries by The Mission Society, a very effective and well established mission agency.
I applaud their decision, as The Mission Society will provide them with excellent training and ongoing guidance.  The time they spent this past fall with MCM International in Peru provided a good introduction into missions ministry and a foundation for what they will learn through The Mission Society. 
Emily and Travis attended an orientation and planning conference with The Mission Society earlier this month.  While there, the organization recommended that Emily and Travis return to the United States to begin its official training and development program stateside.  The Mission Society has learned through years of experience that missionaries who complete this process have a much higher probability of having an effective, healthy, and long-term missions ministry.  Usually, those who don’t will struggle and return after a year or two. 
 For this reason, they have chosen to return to the United States to begin the training process.
I believe that they made a great decision.  I have so much confidence in them and strongly feel that going through this process will better prepare them for a long and effective ministry.  Their training, development, and support raising will take at least one year before they return to Peru.  
I believe in Emily and Travis and respect them greatly.  As we put their financial support on hold, I encourage you to keep them in your prayers and to plan for their future support when the time comes for them to return to the mission field. 

In Him,   John K. HullMissions Pastor

There it is.  As short and to-the-point as a final knife battle between Steven Segal and Tommy Lee Jones.  (I couldn't help myself).  So we are currently back in The Woodlands.  Emily is working as a Spanish teacher at College Park High School, and I am currently on the job hunt while also working as a freelance copyeditor.  I am sure that Emily will post in the near-future about the discrepancies between teaching middle school and high school.  As a hint: high schoolers are more prone to vandalism.


  1. Thanks for the update! So glad to hear that you will have the opportunity of additional training/preparation. Blessings!

  2. I wish I could come visit you! We continue to pray!
