So we've been back in Texas for a little over three weeks now. My parents are graciously housing us for the time being, and I've jumped back into teaching Spanish. Most of my students are freshmen. There are a few sophomores and juniors interspersed, but the vast majority are 15 year-olds. Here are a few observations about the differences between teaching junior high and high school:
1) High School starts at 7:20. Junior High starts at 8:50. Freshmen try to sleep through first period.
2) Spanish 1 is not an honors class in HS, everyone gets to take it...over and over again until they pass.
3) Freshmen can be super moody and a little intense. Junior High kids are a lot goofier.
4) I blend in way more now than I did teaching at McCullough.
All in all, I am really enjoying my new job. I am thankful for the opportunity to be back in the classroom, although it does feel like my first year teaching all over again. A lot of the 7th graders that I taught 4 years ago are now in AP Spanish, and they come by my room to say hi.
Travis and I have been navigating this new season, and although we do not know what the future holds exactly, we are living into what's in front of us. Please pray for me as I figure out freshmen. I need all the wisdom I can get. So if you happen to have any insight, please share!
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